Thursday, June 16, 2011

Recitado Poem, Sad Poetry (English subt.) (Jandro Voz de España)

SUBTITLES ... Escrito y editado por Rafael Castillo, E., I agradecimiento a Jandro, ya de Colaboración (Channel )............ Poetry (back) ... Once again, he says to his mother for so long, and once again ask the mother for forgiveness, behind the screens scratched, rusted by tears stopped by cold hands, lips trembling, fearful eyes dried of tears of sadness, cobwebs, witnesses in the dark corner of the room, thoughtfully supplied with their scar the heart and mind at restLoneliness, a pale face, light hair vanity gone, left with nothing, everything is lost, mutilated, stolen dreams, illusions, the freedom of a single block, the crooked secrets of the destiny of the victims, the victims, nightmare hell, slipped from Drugs and alcohol monster, demon ghost pryingly temptation hidden, slow to take possession of a creature, the shadow of guilt seems everywhere, talking linen walls, which are considered to be days, months and years, overt forms of deliriumon the ceiling, vigils delirium tremens, the moon reflected on the wet window bars, vicious circle, never ending torment chained. Today's mother is gone, his daughter, and she remembers sobbing whispers: I am here today behind bars, repeat the same story, I can not sleep deja vu. Poem, A vez más, hasta luego Decia one of the mother, a vez más, a su hija mother of pediatric Perdón, Detras de las Barras de hierro de la escarapeladas prision, por oxidadas Lágrimasthe tiempo ...

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