Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Acai Side Effects - Evaluating Supplement Safety

Have you ever loved a particular food so much that you swore you could live off it without ever eating anything else? I tend to say that about chocolate, among other things, but we all know it's unrealistic.


Because no single food carries enough nutritional value to sustain you throughout life. Would you believe that one comes close though? The acai berry.

Yes, acai berry contains enough proteins, minerals, and nutrients that you might actually survive on nothing but this little berry.

With all of this nutritional value, it's no wonder why acai has flooded the market in the form of juices and supplements. Who doesn't want to benefit from the wealth of heart healthy antioxidants found in acai?

I don't know about you, but I'm a busy person who, sadly, doesn't always find the time to eat well balanced meals three times daily. Luckily, the benefits of acai are now packed into supplement form, however, there are too many to choose from!

You're probably reading this because you are asking the same questions I was asking: What are the acai side effects? What supplement should I take? After searching through every available resource, I stumbled on some helpful information.

I'm going to get to the very best resource I found for choosing acai supplements that actually work in just a second, so make sure to stay tuned. But first, we need to cover a few things so you can make a smart decision for yourself.

I wanted the benefits of acai with the convenience of taking a supplement, but I wasn't too trusting of every company who swore on their product. I wanted to know the acai side effects before routinely taking the supplements. And with so many supplements on the market, how do you know which is best? You would not believe the amount of research I had to do!

The first thing I noticed when researching acai side effects is that this little berry is quite popular! Both Dr. Oz. and Dr. Perricone talked about acai on Oprah Winfrey's show, calling it the "number one super-food" and adding it to the Anti-Aging Checklist. But I digress...

The problem with acai supplements is that they market all of the acai benefits, such as weight loss, cholesterol management, and concentrated antioxidant power, but they don't talk about the drawbacks -- if there even are any.

Moreover, some of the supplement manufacturers chose to complement acai with other ingredients, such as green tea extract. How do you know the best product?

I enjoy the occasional glass of red wine - not only for the taste but also for the health benefits. So when I found that some acai supplements also contain resveratrol (the beneficial component of grape skins), my supplement indecisiveness further increased. "Which supplement is best?" I kept asking myself (and anyone who would listen).

I've learned that any hesitation to taking the supplements isn't founded in the berry itself, but in the quality of the acai berry product. You need to know which products contain the highest quality ingredients to experience the true benefits of the acai berry.

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