Monday, May 17, 2010

High Protein Foods

Protein plays many roles in keeping the body healthy, but the most well-known role, and sought-after aspect of protein is that of muscle builder. Finding high protein foods is crucial for the wellbeing of any person, but, even more so for an active athlete.

It is common knowledge that bodybuilders take in vast amounts of protein. Because of the severity of damage (albeit good damage) to their muscles after a workout, it's crucial that protein intake is high, in order to aid in the repair and growth of the muscle fibres.

Without sufficient protein, a persons muscles will atrophy (degenerate). And, this goes for the person whose only physical exertion is walking the dog, and using a can opener to feed the dog, as much as a hardcore athlete. We all have our quotas to fulfil.

As a bodybuilder with experience in proteins, I've made it my business to know which foods are the highest, and best quality protein. What's that, I say? High quality? - Yes, precisely that.

When I first started out, like most people, I simply assumed everything was equal, and it was all good. Carbs were carbs, fats were fats, proteins were proteins; simple as that, I thought. Well, I later discovered, that is simply not the case.

Not only do some proteins digest slower than others (such as casein, in milk - making it an excellent source of protein to sustain you throughout the night), but, some proteins are actually more readily accepted and absorbed by the body, while others, in large part, are tossed out - meaning, they have, in effect, gone to waste and done your body far less good than you think.

Depending upon your goals, it is very important that you learn which are the best sources of protein, and which sources suit your particular needs. For an athlete in particular, keen on retaining or building muscle, it is absolutely crucial that they take in their nutrients from only the highest quality sources, if they are to see optimal gains - or, quite often, any gains at all.

Some may choose to increase their protein intake using supplements of high quality whey protein, which is good, but, supplements should never be the cornerstone (or indeed full replacement) of anybody's diet.

It is highly recommended that you discover the best sources of protein from real foods - particularly whole foods - and plan your diet from there.

I have a list on my website which will show you the 5 best high protein foods (real foods), plus their all-important absorption rate. I guarantee you, you will be very surprised at what you see.

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