Monday, May 31, 2010

Check Out Labrada Nutrition Lean Body Gold Deluxe Hi-Protein Energy Bar, Carmel Almond Fudge, 2.89-Ounce Bars (Pack of 12) for $25.24

Labrada Nutrition Lean Body Gold Deluxe Hi-Protein Energy Bar, Carmel Almond Fudge, 2.89-Ounce Bars (Pack of 12) Review

When I recently reviewed Oh Yeah! protein bars, I said they were the greatest tasting protein bar I had ever found. But I criticized them in that they also contained 8g of sugar. I expressed the wish that someone could devise a bar with slightly higher protein, slightly lower sugar and slightly lower fat content without sacrificing that all-important taste.

Labrada's Lean Body Energy bars seem to have gone a long toward meeting that dream - substantially less fat, 13% fewer calories and 10% more protein balanced, sadly, against a marginal increase in sugar content. At only 330 calories per bar, they contain only 9g of fat, 32g of carbohydrate (of which 9g are sugar) and a whopping 30g of protein. And, for all of that improvement in the nutritional values, no sacrifice has been made in the taste department. They're absolutely terrific and nobody could distinguish these things from the smoothest chocolate caramel candy bar on the supermarket shelves.

And, bonus ... no trans fats either!

Well done, Labrada! Highly recommended!

Paul Weiss

Labrada Nutrition Lean Body Gold Deluxe Hi-Protein Energy Bar, Carmel Almond Fudge, 2.89-Ounce Bars (Pack of 12) Feature

  • High-quality protein, low in sugar
  • New and improved with more nutsand crisps
  • Contains 30 grams of leanpro protein

Labrada Nutrition Lean Body Gold Deluxe Hi-Protein Energy Bar, Carmel Almond Fudge, 2.89-Ounce Bars (Pack of 12) Overview

30g Protein. Triple Layer - Caramel/Nougat/Almonds. Gold Taste Award. Notice: Use this product as a food supplement only. Do not use for weight reduction. Not for control of sodium in the diet.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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Customer Reviews

The only protein bar I've liked. - jlspivey - Fort Worth, TX
I've tried several brands of protein bars and just didn't really care for any of them. One day, while feeling light-headed at the gym, my trainer brought me a Lean Body Gold Bar. I was pleasantly surprised how good it tasted! When I have to skip a meal for some reason, it only takes 1 bar to satisfy me. They are very filling. In fact, I only eat 1/2 bar in the morning, or I am not yet hungry by lunchtime. These actually taste good; chewy and nutty, and no after taste.

So delicious you have to watch yourself - B Daley - USA
These meal replacement/protein bars are delicious. They taste like a candy bar and they are HUGE. Longer and thicker than the standard protein bars you see in the grocery store. They have a ton of protein and they are really filling. But, be warned, they are so delicious it's hard to limit yourself -- at least for me, but I have a sweet tooth. Make sure you have the discipline to limit yourself to just one or two. Great product.

Don't buy - gym guy - nyc
Truly one of the worst tasting bars on the market. Hard, rubbery and tasteless. They throw in exactly 1 peanut. Try cookie twist instead.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: May 31, 2010 10:30:10

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

How to Choose a New Cell Phone

So you've had that old cell phone forever and it finally died on you. I know, it's sad, but its soul is probably resting in cell phone heaven somewhere. Anyway, it's time to start looking for a new one. A lot has changed in the three years since you bought ol' Betsy. It may even be a bit daunting to go out there and look for a new phone without knowing what your options are first. Here are some tips to make shopping easier.

1. Style is important. If you can't be proud, you at least want something that you can feel comfortable with holding to your ear. Flip phones are always popular, as are candy bar styles, and recently slider phones have gained in popularity. Because flip phones don't dial accidentally while in your pocket and fit the shape of your head more easily than other styles, they are a good choice. Candy bars are sturdy, but you have to lock them, which can be a pain. Sliders are a nice because they combine both modes - they lock automatically and are solid. Before you narrow it down, try holding each style up to your ear to see which suits you best.

2. Whereas ten years ago no one knew what texting was, today it's a national pastime. The full keyboard has its perks because you don't have to press a button four times to get an S or struggle with the phone to produce a word it doesn't know. But make sure that the size of the keyboard is practical and that you will be able to type on it. Touch phones are cool too but are usually more expensive.

3. Choose your features. If you want your phone to be more of a media device, you may want to invest in some cellphone accessories that accommodate that. If you want to use it for e-mail, think about a smart phone. And you may want a cheap Bluetooth headset if you're going to be driving and talking a lot.

4. You may want to check the phone's features before buying it. Call quality is important and can vary according to the network you use. If you're on a 3G network check to see how fast video streams. Also battery life can be important - you don't want to have cell phone chargers in your home, office, car, etc. If you have a specific model in mind already, check out consumer reviews or seek recommendations from your friends if they have the phone.

Ultimately, you have to feel comfortable with the phone you have. You're going to be using it every day hopefully for a long time, so ask which companies and models have the best longevity. It's exciting getting a new phone, and it's also an investment. It may be hard to adjust to your new phone but it will grow on you eventually. While it may be different than your last one, by retaining things like color, style and features you can make it a worthy upgrade.

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Protein Sources Found at Your Supermarket that Enhance Your Bodybuilding Diet

If you are getting into bodybuilding then you need to understand that what you eat is just as important as what you exercise. In other words, you can lift as many weights as you like but if your muscles are not getting the fuel they need to grow, you are wasting a great deal of effort.

You Need Protein

With just a little research into an effective bodybuilding diet you will quickly discover that enough protein is one of the most (some say the most) important parts of your nutritional intake. In short, protein is the building block of lean muscle - a lack of protein means your muscle building potential is much lower.

There are many opinions on how much protein your body needs each day and it may depend on your bodybuilding goals. Typically you might consider taking around 1 gram of protein per pound of your body weight each day.

Using Nutritional Information to Choose Your Foods

There are plenty of foods in your local supermarket or grocery store that contain a useful amount of protein. Today's regulations that ensure food product manufacturers display the nutritional content of their product make choosing your groceries a breeze. However, before you go running off to buy every high protein food you can find, a certain amount of care must be taken. Take the time to read through the food's nutritional information table in it's entirety. Not only are you looking out for the protein content but you also need to consider fat content, sugar content, carbohydrates, and so on. If your goal is to grow lean muscle then it is a good idea to avoid too many products high in simple sugars, calories and refined carbohydrates.

Popular High Protein Groceries in Your Bodybuilding Diet

You are now ready to hit the supermarket in search of quality protein food sources. These are foods that are high in protein but not so high in other elements that will hinder your lean muscle targets (i.e. calories, carbs, etc.):

MEAT: If you enjoy eating meat then generally 3 meats are recommended. The favorite is chicken (the number of recipes you can find on bodybuilding forums show this). Chicken is very lean and cheap. Similarly, turkey is actually slightly leaner then chicken and has higher protein percentage. Lean beef (look for cuts that are really red without any visible fat when possible) is another great source of protein.

EGGS: Raw or cooked, eggs are another staple in a lot of bodybuilder's diets. Many people will avoid the yolk of the egg and simply eat the white, discarding some quality protein. It's true that the yolk of an egg contains most of the calories but it also contains most of the eggs nutrients as well as some protein. Why not save a few of the yolks!

FISH: Fish is an important source of protein and many bodybuilders live off cans of tuna. In fact I knew one guy who would mix in a can of tuna with his cereal every morning - not really my idea of a tasty start to the day.

MILK/DAIRY: 'Skimmed' or 'fat free' milk is another good source of quality protein and can be consumed as it is (think homemade shakes or in your breakfast cereal) or in so many dairy foods. You need to take care with which dairy products you choose but there are always options for the dieting conscious. You can eat fat free versions of your favorite yogurts, ice-creams (watch out for other ingredients), cheeses (cottage cheese is always highly recommended), and more.

SOY: The vegetarians amongst you will no doubt be aware of the protein content of soy products. Soy beans are pulses and so they contain a good helping of protein. Soy beans are used to make soy milk, tofu and many meat substitutes, many of which taste like the real thing. This not only helps vegetarian bodybuilders but also people with a lower tolerance for dairy products.

AND...: There are plenty of other foods high in protein such as nuts (good for vegetarians) pulses (another good source for vegetarians), cereals, and so on. Take some time to research other foods on the internet - there is a massive amount of information on websites, forums, newsletters, and so on.

Is Protein All a Bodybuilder Needs?

No. Protein, although a vital part of a bodybuilder's diet, is not the be all and end all. Bodybuilders also need the energy to physically perform their exercises and this comes mostly from carbohydrates, or more specifically, complex carbohydrates. This is a subject of another article so watch this space. You need both a higher protein intake to 'rebuild' your muscle and the appropriate complex carbohydrates to fuel your workouts.

Now go and make a quality protein shopping list then hit the supermarket!

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Protein on the Go - Convenience and Availability

Protein is found in virtually every place that you look. It is needed for every cell in the body. It is found in many different food sources, from the obvious (chicken and beef) to the surprising (milk and soybeans). Think carefully about your day yesterday: did you get up in the morning, eat a slow and steady breakfast and then get ready for work? Did you work steadily until it was time for your lunch, opening your carefully packed lunch bag to see what kind of well-balanced foods that you have brought to stave off the midday starvation feeling? Did you leave work at the end of the work day and drive straight home, relaxing with the newspaper and perhaps a few minutes of television before sitting down to a hot and home cooked meal? Did you have a small snack before you went to bed, sleeping peacefully and restfully for at least eight hours so that you could face the next day fresh and new? Of course you didn't.

If you are like the average person, you have no time for a sit-down meal the majority of the time, and you probably eat most of your meals on the run, not stopping to think about what those meals are made of. You are either getting far too many calories per day, none of which are healthy and balanced, or you are not getting enough at all. Either way, you are probably looking in the mirror and feeling pretty miserable. There are 34 million people in the US who are classified as obese, some of which can be related to the lack of time to eat properly as well as a lack of exercise and other factors.

The average person currently has about 16 hours per week for leisure activities, which follows a continuing decline in free time. Not so long ago, the average person went to work each day of the work week (Monday through Friday). They spent the weekends relaxing, spending time with the family and doing yard work. There were no cell phones, computers or handheld devices that kept us logged on to work whether we were there or not. The more that technology becomes popular and more widely used, the less time that we have for ourselves. Much of the time that the average person has is counted as "gray" time, defined as not quite work or not quite leisure time. Most people are checking into their social media sites (Twitter, MySpace and Facebook) while they are at work and they are checking in with their offices while they are out and about. So, where does this leave time for healthy foods?

Food Options on the Road

While we are traveling to and from errands, to and from work and taking the children to all of their activities and events, we are bombarded with food choices. The meals that you get at the typical fast food place are loaded in fat and calories. There is protein, of course, but can it really count as being a good thing? There are ways to minimize the damage that these foods cost your daily diet and your overall health, but it is better if you minimize the number of times that you eat it at all. Getting your protein while you are heading out to work or just looking at spending yet another day in the car is not all that hard. You should back a well-balanced lunch and include snacks to keep yourself from starving between meals. Protein supplements are a good choice and can be stashed in a pocket or purse to eat or drink between meals. Here are some of the best choices in protein supplements and what to look for in each:

- Protein bars. Some brands of protein bars are nothing more than glorified candy bars, with more sugar and calories than is really needed. Each bar should be less than 200 calories for the average sized person and should not have added sugars.

- Protein shakes. Again, some brands of these can be loaded with excess sugars and fats and may not have very much protein in them at all. Look for a can or bottle that has enough protein to stave off hunger but not so many calories that they you would be better off with a regular milk shake.

- Protein puddings. Quick to eat and satisfying to most people, the puddings are typically small and can be great to eat between meals. They are also recommended for right before a meal so that you can eat smaller portions without experiencing feelings of deprivation. Puddings may not be easy to eat on the run however.

- Protein powders. One of the most difficult types to carry along, the powders are typically mixed with water or other liquids and taste best when they are well mixed. Again, not an easy supplement to bring along with you on the road.

- Protein shots. One of the easiest ways to get your protein is with the liquid protein shot.

When Should You Eat Protein?

The experts suggest that you eat at least some protein with every meal. Every meal and snack should be well-balanced, with the largest meal being breakfast. Protein, as well as fiber, will help to keep you feeling full and satisfied for far longer so that you can make better choices throughout the day. Spreading your daily calories out throughout the day means that you are never running on empty - never going to lunge for the vending machine at three o'clock, hip checking Phil from accounting out of the way so that he does not get the last mallowmar. Most people eat three large meals each day and then forget the snacks that they end up wolfing down in between, and then they cannot figure out why they keep gaining weight. Instead, they should divide their larger meals into smaller meals so that they are eating roughly every three to four hours.

You Can Eat Well on the Go and Still Get Enough Protein

In addition to the various protein supplements that you can stow and go, you can find healthier food choices at the fast food restaurants which will minimize the damage. After all, there are some times when you absolutely have to break down and grab a small meal. Here are a few choices that are halfway decent:

- Wendy's Mandarin Chicken Salad with roasted almonds (and no crispy noodles). If you have to have salad dressing, use reduced fat creamy ranch. Both the chicken and almonds are good sources of protein. Side dish choices: small salad (with no croutons), chili, mandarin orange cup or a baked potato (you can top it with the chili or with marinara sauce).

- McDonald's Fruit and Walnut Salad (walnuts are excellent sources of protein) or Caesar Salad with grilled chicken. Side dishes: the fruit and yogurt parfait. Apple slices are another good choice, however, do not eat the caramel dip.

- Burger King's BK Veggie Burger (with no cheese and no mayo) or Tendergrill Chicken Sandwich (with no sauce). Sides: side garden salad

- Taco Bell's Spicy Chicken Soft Taco (You can make most food choices better by eliminating cheese, sour cream and opting for chicken instead of beef whenever there is a choice offered.)

- Arby's: Although most would think that the sandwiches are lean roast beef, they actually have a lot of fat. A better choice for calories and protein is the chicken breast filet.

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Check Out Clif Bar Apricot 12 bars for $13.00

Clif Bar Apricot 12 bars Review

Clif bars are by far the best tasting nutrition bars on the market - at least to me. They come in a wide variety of flavors and each one of them is excellent. The nutrition varies slightly between flavors but here are the nutrition facts for the blueberry flavor (one of my favorites):

Calories: 240
Calories From Fat: 50

Total Fat: 5g
Saturated Fat: 0.5g
Trans Fat: 0g

Cholesterol: 0mg
Sodium: 150mg
Potassium: 250mg
Total Carb: 43g
Dietary Fiber: 5g
Sugars: 21g
Other Carb: 17g
Protein: 9g

So, as you can see nothing here screams "I'm bad for you!".

I'm in the process of dropping weight and changing my lifestyle. For my diet I consume a good amount of carbs in the morning for sustained energy and towards the end of the day I steer more towards low carb/high protein for muscle growth after working out. I avoid carbs during the least active part of my day (don't want that potential energy to store as fat overnight!). With this diet plan these bars are great for breakfast or an early day snack (I do 5-6 meals a day). You get a substantial amount of calories to help fill you up, these are low in fat, you get a good shot of carbs perfect for starting your day, a good bit of dietary fiber and you get a good bit of protein - the potassium doesn't hurt either. The only issues here are the small amount of simple carbs and also these are a little high in sugar. These bars are a bit on the sweet site so if they were a little less sweet and maybe had 10-12g sugar then they would be perfect. This is the only issue though and it's not that bad - a little sugar in the morning is okay in my book and the good far outweighs the bad. Nitpickers may scoff at the saturated fat - but it's only 1/2 a gram (4% DV).

Nutrition facts aside these bars taste great! In fact these are the best tasting bars on the market to me and I've tried them all. They are dense enough to fill you up but not too dense. Some bars force you to chew forever before you can swallow the darn thing - not here. They taste so good I almost feel sinful eating them. I bet you could break one of these bars up and roll them into little balls and serve them as a desert and people would have no idea they are consuming a nutrition bar - yes they are that good. I eat these every single day. I'm a snooze-button masher so I often end up waking up in a rush to get ready for work. My perfect breakfast is a clif bar, 8oz of Naked Green Machine juice and 1 cup of black coffee - after that I'm rearin' to go and it's super quick. Also, these are great for backpacking, hiking, camping and activities of that nature.

Clif Bar Apricot 12 bars Feature

  • CLIF Bars are an all-natural alternative to Balance Bars & PowerBars and yet still taste very good.

Clif Bar Apricot 12 bars Overview

According to a new university study, the blend of carbohydrates, protein and fiber in Clif Bars causes a steady increase and then a gradual decline in blood sugar level to avoid the sugar high and crash.

Clif Bar Inc. believes in using only the highest quality, all-natural ingredients. In keeping with this tradition, we use only non-GMO soy protein, meaning that none of the soy used in Clif Bar products has been genetically modified.

* Picture may be of different size or flavor

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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Customer Reviews

BLUEBERRY CLIFF - Daniel J. Gennaro - colorado
I love the blueberry cliff bars. Soft chewy and deeelicious..:) Just hard to find so I bought them off the internet..:)

Really Tasty - Beagle - Mississippi
As far as energy bars go I think Clif brand has the best tasting ones. I love blueberries and was pleasantly surprised to see they have a blueberry flavor now. I ordered a box to try and I must say they are REALLY good. If you like blueberries and a sweet taste this will hit the spot. These bars are good for a quick breakfast or a snack and they are a MUST when you are hiking or boating. We put a few of these in a water tight box when we go canoeing, they are small and portable. A great quick bite to keep us going. Highly recommend these bars! (check out the chocolate brownie flavor too- YUM!)

Great for a snack - cptnruthless - California
My boyfriend likes the chocolate ones, but I'm not a huge fan of them. I like the banana nut bread one, because it's got a nice flavor and is pretty filling for a mid-afternoon snack. It's also much better than getting a candy bar from the vending machine.

This flavor is a bit difficult to find in stores - I got a free sample from Clif that included this flavor, otherwise I probably wouldn't have found it.

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: May 24, 2010 01:00:15

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Friday, May 21, 2010

Check Out Luna Drink Limade Elect-12

Luna Drink Limade Elect-12 Review

Luna Drink Limade Elect-12 Feature

  • 20g of carbs, 200mg of sodium and 50mg of potassium per serving

Luna Drink Limade Elect-12 Overview

We've heard it from women athletes, Team LUNA Chix members and from the LUNA Pro Mountain Bike and Triathlon teams: We have our own way of eating when it comes to training and racing.

We run in our own running shoes, ride a bike that fits our size and wear clothes designed for the female body. When it comes to sports nutrition, however, we have been "making do" with products that aren't made for us - making portions smaller, diluting drinks and gels and trying to figure out what our bodies need.

Created to meet the specific needs of women athletes, LUNA Sport products take in to consideration things women need like folic acid, calcium, iron, B vitamins and antioxidant vitamins A, C & E. They are also sized with the right amount of calories to keep you energized and ready for your next workout.

LUNA Sport Electrolyte Splash is the first women's organic sports drink. With 80 calories per water bottle, it has just the right amount of carbs to fuel your workout and keep you hydrated, plus helps restore electrolytes lost through sweat.

* Picture may be of different size or flavor

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: May 21, 2010 20:45:06

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Bodybuilding - Protein Shakes And Building Muscle

Probably one of the most common questions that is asked by those into bodybuilding is how many protein shakes per day they should take if their current goal is to gain weight.

These bodybuilders already have their exact protein requirements worked out to a 'T', but may be having some trouble meeting this amount every day - after all, not only is protein generally more expensive than other foods, but it also fills you up faster.

In this state of frustration, they hope to turn to protein powder to do the job for them. After all, whipping up a protein shake takes mere seconds, and is easily downed without too much effect on your appetite. But, does this generally produce the best results when it comes to building muscle?

Or should you cap your protein powder intake to just before and after a heavy weight lifting session?


The pros of using protein powder when bodybuilding are:

-convenience - cooking time is kept to a minimum

-cost -generally it's cheaper per serving than chicken, beef, or fish

-taste - who doesn't like a chocolate peanut butter shake? (assuming of course you are choosing good tasting protein powders)

-high variety - you can easily buy protein powders that come with additional carbs to help get your calories up there, or opt for a complete meal replacement shake

-transportable - rather than carrying Tupperware containers around with you, all you need is a small container filled with powder, since water is available almost anywhere.

Seems like a pretty good choice. But, make sure to consider the cons.


-quicker digestion - if you're looking for a protein source that's going to supply the body with amino acids over an extended period of time, powder is not going to be your best option.

-lack of other nutrients - many sources of meat also contain minerals that are essential for proper growth and development

-improper long-term eating technique - eating whole food more often teaches you how to eat a proper diet for the long haul. Relying on protein shakes may be okay temporarily in some cases, but does this really teach you how to EAT in order to build muscle? Didn't think so.

-gas - finally, and not overly related to building muscle but many people report excessive use of protein powder tends to give them gas. The people around you will probably much prefer you eat whole foods.

So, think about these factors when deciding how often to consume protein powder in your diet.

Obviously meeting your needs is your number one goal. If you miss out on that, you're really not going to be building muscle at all. Bodybuilding does require slightly more amino acids, but it's not quite the extent that some people are led to believe. 1-1.5 grams per pound should be plenty.

Keeping your shake intake to about 40% of your daily intake would be okay, although less would be better - and this includes pre/post workout meals.

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Check Out Clif Bar Energy Bars, Chocolate Almond Fudge, 2.4-Ounce Bars 12 Count Box ( Pack of 2 ) for $28.27

Clif Bar Energy Bars, Chocolate Almond Fudge, 2.4-Ounce Bars 12 Count Box ( Pack of 2 ) Review

This was my first Clif bar, but I have to say that I am imprseed. It has an incredibly soft and chewy texture, which reminded me of a no-bake chocolate oatmeal cookie. They are just sweet enough and very filling, but provide long-lasting energy. Half of one would make an excellent snack or satisfy a craving for a cookie; the full bar is a great 250 calorie meal replacement bar.

Clif Bar Energy Bars, Chocolate Almond Fudge, 2.4-Ounce Bars 12 Count Box ( Pack of 2 ) Feature

  • Two 12-count boxes of nutrition bars (total of 24 bars)
  • Delivers sustained energy by steadily increasing, then decreasing blood sugar levels
  • Provides energy boost for athletes; healthy, casual snacking for anyone
  • 70% of ingredients certified organic
  • Moist and chewy; wheat-free and dairy-free

Clif Bar Energy Bars, Chocolate Almond Fudge, 2.4-Ounce Bars 12 Count Box ( Pack of 2 ) Overview

Nutrition for sustained energy. Soy Protein. 23 Vitamins & minerals. Made with organic oats & soybeans. 70% Organic ingredients. All natural. Certified Organic by Quality Assurance International.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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Customer Reviews

Best tasting energy bars - DK - Drummond Island, USA
I knew Clif bars are good tasting, and buy them because they have a great balance of nutrients and fill you up between meals. I bought the Chocolate Almond Fudge for a flavor variety and it is very good tasting with good consistency.

Just what I was looking for at a fair price.

Great meal replacement - Wraylene R. Larson - Olympia, WA
Clif bars can always be depended on to carry me over from meal to meal or be used as a meal in itself. They are great!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: May 19, 2010 08:45:10

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Nutrition Bar Review #5

Today I am reviewing two bars. I am actually recommending one after eating 10 bars. The two I am reviewing are the larabar chocolate coconut chew and the cliff bar in flavor chocolate chip. Watch to see what I thought..... I am 50% through all the bars.

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Monday, May 17, 2010

High Protein Foods

Protein plays many roles in keeping the body healthy, but the most well-known role, and sought-after aspect of protein is that of muscle builder. Finding high protein foods is crucial for the wellbeing of any person, but, even more so for an active athlete.

It is common knowledge that bodybuilders take in vast amounts of protein. Because of the severity of damage (albeit good damage) to their muscles after a workout, it's crucial that protein intake is high, in order to aid in the repair and growth of the muscle fibres.

Without sufficient protein, a persons muscles will atrophy (degenerate). And, this goes for the person whose only physical exertion is walking the dog, and using a can opener to feed the dog, as much as a hardcore athlete. We all have our quotas to fulfil.

As a bodybuilder with experience in proteins, I've made it my business to know which foods are the highest, and best quality protein. What's that, I say? High quality? - Yes, precisely that.

When I first started out, like most people, I simply assumed everything was equal, and it was all good. Carbs were carbs, fats were fats, proteins were proteins; simple as that, I thought. Well, I later discovered, that is simply not the case.

Not only do some proteins digest slower than others (such as casein, in milk - making it an excellent source of protein to sustain you throughout the night), but, some proteins are actually more readily accepted and absorbed by the body, while others, in large part, are tossed out - meaning, they have, in effect, gone to waste and done your body far less good than you think.

Depending upon your goals, it is very important that you learn which are the best sources of protein, and which sources suit your particular needs. For an athlete in particular, keen on retaining or building muscle, it is absolutely crucial that they take in their nutrients from only the highest quality sources, if they are to see optimal gains - or, quite often, any gains at all.

Some may choose to increase their protein intake using supplements of high quality whey protein, which is good, but, supplements should never be the cornerstone (or indeed full replacement) of anybody's diet.

It is highly recommended that you discover the best sources of protein from real foods - particularly whole foods - and plan your diet from there.

I have a list on my website which will show you the 5 best high protein foods (real foods), plus their all-important absorption rate. I guarantee you, you will be very surprised at what you see.

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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Keane2BeFit-eating on the run!

Olivia and Naomi Keane of "Keane 2 Be Fit" show you how to eat out, the smart way! Please go to for details including their Keane2BeFit protein bars and newly coming cookbook!

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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Muscle Building Protein

Whether you are trying to lose weight, eat better or are just looking for a healthy snack to keep you satisfied, pure protein bars can help. Protein bars are formulated to be the perfect alternative to junk food. They are easy to throw into your purse or briefcase, or into your child's lunch box or back pack. And you will feel good knowing that you and your family are getting a nutritious snack. They are a great way to satisfy your hunger in a healthy way. Many people are under the misconception that pure protein bars do not taste good. Nothing could be further from the truth. Protein bars have come a long way and you will actually find yourself looking forward to your mid-day snack.

There are many reasons why someone is interested in a pure protein bar and there are different bars for different purposes. If you are trying to lose weight, you should look for a low carb, low calorie bar. If you are trying to gain muscle, you should look for a very high protein, high calorie bar. And if you are simply looking for a meal or snack replacement, you should look for a protein bar with medium carbs and medium calories.

Weight Loss Pure Protein Bars
Chef J's Lite Bites are a good option if you are trying to lose weight. One of the reasons this bar scores so high on many weight watcher's charts is because it has no hydrogenated oils and no artificial colors or flavors. However, it does contain egg, corn, dairy and soy. Clif Luna bars in Lemon Zest are seventy percent organic and are low in both calories and carbs. You also get four grams of protein in each bar.

Muscle Gain Pure Protein Bars
Zero Impact bars by VPX Presents are high in protein and high in calories. This bar packs thirty grams of proteins in it, all from naturally occurring essential fats from nuts, seeds, grains, CLA and Sesamin. There is nothing artificial in these and they contain no hydrogenated oils or trans fats. And to top it off, they are formulated to have minimal impact on sugar and insulin levels. The Mojo Clif bar is also high protein, is seventy percent organic, low glycemic and has no trans fats or processed sugars. It comes in four different nut flavors.

Meal or Snack Replacement Pure Protein Bars
Organic Food Bar One offers medium protein and medium carbs and has heart healthy Omega 3s. It contains fruit, grains and chocolate chips and some claim it tastes better than a candy bar! There are no fillers in this one and it is also dairy free. Chef J's Tri-O-Plex bars are also great for snacking. This bar is pretty low in carbs, has good protein and is high in taste.

These are just a few samples of the many good pure protein bars that are out there. Times have changed and you no longer have to sacrifice taste for a quality bar.

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Are There Any Side Effects to Taking Whey Protein Supplements?

You are always hearing that you need to check with your doctor before you embark on any fitness regime. This is good advice and you should go for a complete check up and get your doctors take on what you are doing before you start your fitness program. One thing that you might forget though is what you will be eating. It's at least as important to talk about what you'll be eating as what you'll be doing. It's common knowledge that you need to eat a lot of protein when you are working out a lot and trying to get fit. You can get this protein in in many ways from natural food, meats and fish etc to protein powder supplements and liquid protein supplements as well as protein bars. With all of these choices and medical sounding claims its easy to get confused and one thing that you might be wondering is whether these protein supplements can cause any side effects. The short answer is no. Most of the supplements that you can get are simply food supplements and so not really different to eating large amounts of lean chicken breast - except much more convenient. There is always the possibility, however small though, that you may suffer some form of side effect and that is why you should always consult your doctor.


If the person is allergic to anything in the ingredients then taking a whey protein supplement could cause an allergic reaction. It is possible that some of the ingredients may have come into contact with peanut products. This will usually be shown as a warning on the packaging. Obviously, if you are allergic to peanuts and your whey protein supplement contains peanuts then you could suffer an allergic reaction so you should always check the packaging and avoid any protein powder that contains ingredients that you are allergic to. If you don't have any allergies, then you don't need to concern yourself about this.

Working Out:

It is important that you are working out hard if you expect to need a whey protein supplement. Basically, you will see no side affects from whey protein supplements when you are working out hard. In fact, there really is very little difference between using a whey protein supplement and eating normal food. Remember, you should get as much of your protein from normal food as you can, but it is very hard to get all of it that way and that's where protein supplements come in. Whey protein supplements help you to get the protein that you need, exactly when you need it.

The conclude, what you can take away from this is that side affects with a whey protein supplement are unlikely and not something that you should worry about unless you are already allergic to some foods. Make sure that you eat plenty of real foods, as many as you can. Work out hard, Eat well and use a good supplement and you'll power towards your goals. Just to be sure though, talk to your doctor to make sure that you don't suffer any side effects from your whey protein supplement because of unknown allergies.

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Check Out Met-Rx Protein Plus Protein Bar, Chocolate Fudge - 12 Bars for $26.99

Met-Rx Protein Plus Protein Bar, Chocolate Fudge - 12 Bars Review

Met-Rx Protein Plus Protein Bar, Chocolate Fudge - 12 Bars Feature

  • Please read all label information upon delivery
  • New richer chocolate fudge flavor
  • Each bar contains 11 grams of protein
  • 60% of RDA of vitamin A, 30% of vitamin C and E
  • Contains milk and soy ingredients; may contain traces of peanuts and other nuts and seeds

Met-Rx Protein Plus Protein Bar, Chocolate Fudge - 12 Bars Overview


Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: May 11, 2010 11:00:12

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Monday, May 10, 2010

Usagi/Seiya - Gomennasai, Seiya [Moonlight Part 1]

Storyline: After Stars, Mamoru decided to leave again. Usagi comes to see him, and she's so upset at his leaving that Mamoru agrees to stay for a little while longer. Usagi remembers the last time she said good-bye, and how Seiya walked by. Then she starts to think about all the times she and Seiya spent together - when he collapsed because he saved her, when he tried to comfort her because Mamoru was gone... She feels so guilty that she confesses to Mamoru, but he forgives her. Usagi doesn't feel any better, and she continues to remember. The moment when she realized she was in love with Seiya is the decider. In the end, when she goes to see Mamoru off again, she asks him to remove the ring he gave her, setting both of them free and signifying the end of their relationship. i give full credit to the artists and songs used in this video. I do not claim any of the material to be my own. The copyright holder of Tatu - Gomennasai is UMG. Moonlight Part 1: This is the first video in a little series I'm going to be making. Look for part two soon. Notes: I know there are a lot of videos to this song already, but all of them are from Seiya's point of view. This song seemed like it went a lot better from Usagi, so that's how it was mad. It's basically Usagi saying how sorry she is for screwing up two important relationships. Gaaaah, this video gave me so much trouble, though. Something happened to Sony while I was making it. That's why the first half and the end have the black ...

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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Great Price Doctors Best Weight Loss for $11.99

Lemon Merinque Crispy Protein Bar Review

Lemon Merinque Crispy Protein Bar Feature

  • Used in many Medical Weight Loss Centers
  • High in Protein 15 Grams
  • Low in Calories 160
  • Tastes Delicious
  • Curbs your Appetite

Lemon Merinque Crispy Protein Bar Overview

Sweet, tart and crunchy bar with a white yogurt flavored coating on the bottom. Lemon lovers beware - this one could be addicting! Low Carb!

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: May 09, 2010 20:50:13

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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Check Out Luna Nutrition Bar for Women, Dulce de Leche, Dulce de Leche 15 ea for $17.39

Luna Nutrition Bar for Women, Dulce de Leche, Dulce de Leche 15 ea Review

Luna Nutrition Bar for Women, Dulce de Leche, Dulce de Leche 15 ea Feature

  • Pack Size: 15 x 1.69 oz Bars
  • Serving Size: 1 Bar (48 g)
  • Servings: 15

Luna Nutrition Bar for Women, Dulce de Leche, Dulce de Leche 15 ea Overview

(Product received may temporarily differ from image shown due to packaging update. Image will be revised, shortly)
New Recipe
The Whole Nutrition Bar for Women®
High in Calcium & Folic Acid
Vitamin D
9g Protein
3g Fiber*
Rich in Antioxidants (Vit. A, C, E)
70% Organic
Mom: Thank you for teaching me that curiosity and hard work are vital to success, and that life is too short to not be who you are.
As women we know the way we eat makes a difference in how we feel. Food feeds our souls, lifts our spirits, nourishes and sustains us. So, why does finding the right thing to eat sometimes seem so complicated? With 70% organic ingredients, vitamins to meet the special needs of our bodies and flavors we love, LUNA makes finding nourishment a bit simpler.
-The Women of LUNA
Luna® is an active sponsor of the Breast Cancer Fund and its efforts to eliminate the environmental and preventable causes of the disease.
Breast Cancer Fund...Prevention Starts Here.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: May 08, 2010 09:50:10

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Friday, May 7, 2010

7 Ways to Save $100 Per Month

Especially during these volatile market days, saving for retirement is not always easy. There are bills to pay, clothes to buy, movies to see and a long list of many other things that can easily get in the way.

With this in mind, I wanted to point out a few ideas on how to save $100 per month. If it doesn't sound like saving this amount would equate to much, over time it can really mean much more than you most likely think.

Let's suppose you invest $100 every month, and let's also assume you invest it into a stock index fund that earns an average return of 8% per year (which, judging by the latest financial headlines is a bit unbelievable, but let's just be a bit optimistic here for historical purposes). Before revealing the results, note the emphasis on "index fund." This is important to highlight because when investing in an index such as the S&P 500, not only do you get some degree of diversification, but you'll also keep the fees you pay and the taxes you owe to a minimum as well.

Let's also suppose the amount you save increases by 3% per year to keep in line with a hopeful increase in wages. So, invest $100 per month in an index fund such as the S&P 500 and at an 8% average rate of return, the following would result:



10 years


20 years


25 years


Source: Finance Yahoo

Looks good to me. Here's a few creative ways to help you get there:

1. Invest your tax refund: April 15th will be here in a blink of an eye. With that in mind, are you one of the unlucky people to get a tax-refund this year? Remember, your tax refund is merely an overpayment of estimated taxes or withholdings that earned Uncle Sam interest, not you. If you were one of the unlucky people to receive a refund, evaluate your estimated taxes or withholdings and don't give it to Uncle Sam as a tax-free loan. Instead, invest it. Doing so could very well get you that $100 monthly savings you've been looking for.

2. Brown bag it: Working? Let's suppose you eat lunch out every day and the average meal costs $12. That's $240 per month in food costs. To save money, would you eliminate dining out every day? Not unless you wanted to miss out on the latest business news or how Bob's date went with Jane. So, let's assume you cut down on the dining and ate out once a week. Doing so would bring the total monthly food costs to right around $50. You still have to feed yourself, right? So let's assume you spent about $100 for some groceries. Do the math, and there you have it - you're left with a $100 dollar monthly savings.

3. Rideshare to Work: Let's suppose you travel 15 miles each way to work, your SUV holds 20 gallons and gets 15 miles per gallon. Two more variables needed: Let's suppose gas costs the historical average of $2.75 per gallon and there's 22 working days in the month. How much would you save if you carpooled with two friends? Sounds like one of those SAT brain twisters, right? And you thought you were out of high school --- Do the math and that'll save you roughly $80 per month and get you a nice ride in that lower traffic carpool lane as well. How great is that?

4. Energy Checkup: Are there ways you can save a few dollars on your monthly energy costs? For me there was. A couple of small touch-ups around the house and I am now helping keep Al Gore happy. With a few mouse-clicks on the "Home Energy Checkup" at, I quickly learned a few interesting ways to save a couple of dollars every month on my energy bill and maybe you will too.

5. Skip the Root Beer: It's a rare day when I don't have a craving for an ice-cold Root Beer. Suppose I didn't listen to my own advice above and ate out five times a week. If a Root Beer costs $1.50, I just spent $30 per month. For savings and nutritional reasons, I should have been drinking water. While the $30 savings won't get me my $100, it'll definitely help get me there and make my mom happy along the way as well.

6. Clip Coupons: If you're like me, that means you eat a few boxes of Cinnamon Toast Crunch every month along with a few dozen South Beach Protein Bars and bags of Turkey Jerky. Interested in saving a few dollars on these monthly purchases? Websites such as claim you can print a few of their coupons and save over $100 every week. Who says Double Stuff Oreos are bad for you? When I'm busy saving money when eating them, I would completely disagree.

7. In-Home Beauty Regime: Thanks to a thinning hairline and my Flowbee, it's been at least a decade since I paid someone to cut my hair. Suppose each cut costs an average of $50 and I need to cut my hair once every two months. By doing it myself, I've basically saved $25 per month. Care to come by for a Flowbee? Would you do it yourself? Doubtful on the former, possible on the latter. There are also a few possible things you can do to reduce your monthly beauty costs such as a do-it-yourself manicure or mudpack.

Better nutrition? Energy efficiency? Getting yourself rich instead of Uncle Sam and having more money for retirement? As far as I'm concerned, that $100 per month savings can really go a long way, and hopefully after this brief posting you'll agree.

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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Top 10 Effective Bodybuilding Supplements

Thousands of body building supplements have been introduced and tested. Some are proven to work while some are just waste of precious money. Experienced body builders and athletes have listed the top 10 effective bodybuilding supplements and these are the following:

1. Probiotics.

Probiotics are made from good bacteria like acidopilus and bifidus. They help the digestive system to work properly. Manufactured products containing probiotics includes special powder, yogurts, probiotic drinks, and capsules. Probiotics are very important to body builders because they lower cholesterol level and they stimulate the body to produce alpha-interferon that regulates the immune response.

2. Meal replacement powders.

These are great substitute for smaller meals that bodybuilders must take throughout the day. Meal replacements are great in accelerating weight loss and increasing lean muscle mass quickly. They are packed with vitamins, friendly fats, minerals, exact amount of carbohydrate and protein.

3. Weight gain formulas.

These gain powders have always played an important role in bodybuilding. These are especially created for beginners who are too skinny and having difficulty consuming sufficient amount of food to gain weight.

4. Maltodextrin.

Also known as glucose polymer powder or multidextrose. A synthetic polysaccharide is being used by people who are involved in sports to meet the energy demands of extreme exercise. It is a food additive produced mainly from cornstarch. It can be quickly absorbed like glucose making it quicker for body builder to gain needed weight.

5. Protein powders.

Most bodybuilders rely heavily on protein powders so that they get amount of protein they need to gain weight. Protein powder does not only help bodybuilders get the body they desire, but it also helps them build a stronger immune system and healthier skin. In addition, it also helps in developing muscle strength.

Protein powders are made from soy, rice, egg, and whey. These are purchased in powdered form that can easily turn to protein shake by just adding water or mixing it with milk or fruit juice.

6. Pre-workout drinks.

These are energy drinks that contain one or more of stimulants like ephedra, guarana, or caffeine. These help bodybuilders in energizing their day's workout. Pre-work out drinks generally contains carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals, creatine, and amino acids.

7. Creatine monohydrate.

This is the leading bodybuilding supplement that was scientifically researched and was proven to improve overall performance. It's all-natural and can be found in many food like salmon, tuna, herring, and beef.

8. Creatine formulas.

These usually come in powdered form that contains pure creatine monohydrate, carbohydrate dextrose, and sodium. Studies show that most bodybuilders choose this supplement because they get amazing result in no time.

9. Nutrition bars.

These are useful for athletes who cannot find time to eat. There are different types of nutrition bars; these are high protein bars, sliming bars, and energy bars. These are not highly recommended for body builders because they usually contain fats and additives. They are also very expensive.

10. Glutamine.

This is important because it increases the bodybuilders' ability to secrete growth hormone that aids in supporting muscle growth and metabolizing body fat. Bodybuilders use glutamine to lose weight without sacrificing the size of their muscles.

Supplement are definitely need for bodybuilding. Use the information above to get the best supplement and get your money's worth

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Xocai Scam Review - Make Money With Healthy Chocolate?

Is Xocai a scam? First of all, you may be wondering how to pronounce the name. It is pronounced sho-sigh. Lets take a look at what makes up the company, products and compensation plan for Xocai.

The Company

Xocai is a division of MXI Corp that is based in Reno, Nevada. The executive team at MXI has a very successful background in network marketing. The founder of MXI, Jeanette Brooks also started another company called Pure De-lite products which went on to do $300 million in retail sales. Now as head of MXI, she is the driving force behind developing the healthy chocolate brand Xocai. The company is still in its infancy and is just now starting to reach momentum.

The Products

So far, the Xocai line of products include the X Powerhouse Cookie, X Power Squares, Nuggets, Omega Bars, Xocai Activ and Protein Bars. Xocai products are made with unprocessed cacao powder in combination with Acai berry and blueberries. The mixture of these ingredients, make for a product that is full of powerful antioxidants. Chocolate that is sold in stores is full of processed cocoa powder and sugars, along with fats, fillers and preservatives. Many people including experts in their respective fields have extolled the advantages of healthy chocolate. So far Xocai has many supporters of its products including testimonials from users.

The Compensation Plan

The Xocai compensation plan at first appears to be a little confusing. Once broken down though, it is very simple. It is a binary compensation plan that pays you on unlimited depth. You only have to sponsor 2 people, one on each leg to qualify for commissions on your entire group. Since you get paid on unlimited depth you can stack people on your right and left side to infinity. The plan pays out up to 50% of commissionable volume. Another way to earn income is with the fast start bonuses. These are either $50 or $150 per person depending on how much they initially purchase. According to their website, it is possible to generate a significant income promoting their products.

To sum it up, Xocai appears to be a legitimate business opportunity. The executive team is experienced in their field and have come up with what appears to be a product with mass appeal. As with any business, it takes hard work and dedication to succeed.

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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Get Lean With the Right Protein Shake

When you work out, you are - in effect - tearing your muscle tissues. And in order for your muscles to become stronger and larger, you must feed them the right nutrients during their recovery process (which starts to take place pretty much as soon as you finish working out).

Sure, you can improve your strength and look leaner by just working out and not supplementing your diet - but by adding the right protein shake to your diet, you can make sure your muscles are getting the protein they need to recover faster and grow stronger.

It's not just about adding any old protein supplement to your diet - because every shake is different... so it's crucial you find the right protein shake for you and use that aid your muscle growth.

So, if you haven't already found the right protein shake to help you get lean... here are a few tips:

· Figure out what you want to achieve - do you want to simply tone up and get lean? Or are you after a bigger more bulky look? Either way, you'll find an abundance of shakes for your goal - so you won't be short of choice.

· When you know what you want to achieve, get started on it! Look through all the shakes suitable for your goal... and most importantly, look at their ingredients! If you want to get lean, you'll want the best protein shake for that goal - so you won't want one packed with calories, sugar and fats (which unfortunately means you may be left with one of the 'less palatable' shakes).

· Once you've selected your shake, take a look at the reviews - see what other people have had to say about it... have they got the results they were after? If not, maybe you should look into alternative products to find the best protein shake for you.

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Monday, May 3, 2010

Great Price Detour for $37.08

Detour - Detour Low Sugar Peanut Butter, 12 bars Review

Most protein bars either taste good but have poor digestibility or digest well but taste bad. This bar seems to have the best of both worlds, great taste and pretty good digestibility. If you don't believe me just read the label and you will find that the first three ingredients are whey protein concentrate, whey protein isolate, and hydrolyzed whey protein. Ideally when buying any whey protein you want whey isolate or hydrolyzed whey as your first ingredients but Detour some how got the formula right and made a good product that does not affect a lactose intolerant such as myself. I can go on and on about whey protein instead you can read more at:


Detour - Detour Low Sugar Peanut Butter, 12 bars Feature

  • Serving Size - 1

Detour - Detour Low Sugar Peanut Butter, 12 bars Overview

"Detour Bars World's First Deluxe Whey Protein Energy Bar Detour Bars are a delicious protein source that tastes as good as your favorite candy bar! Youll love the flavor. And your body will love the 30 grams of Designer Whey Protein packed in each bar. What's the buzz surrounding Detour - the world's first deluxe triple layer whey protein energy bar? It doesn't look like a regular protein bar, and it certainly doesn't taste like a protein bar. But it is! With 32 grams of protein - powered by D"

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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Customer Reviews

Wrong Product - Pennylynn K. Mcshane -
Ordered the low sugar product and did not get it. I got the one with more sugar. Did not want to bother with returning. Probably will never order again.

Great tasting low-sugar protein bars - Dianne M. Daniels - Norwich, CT United States
I found Detour bars while on vacation down south, and loved the caramel peanut flavor. When I got home, I tried to find them locally, but no luck with the low sugar version. Since I am a type II diabetic, low sugar is essential for me. I checked for them on Amazon and found a great seller with a great price. I ordered two boxes and will be ordering more soon. Thanks for the fast shipping - my bars were well-protected and arrived very quickly. Highly recommend this seller and this product!

i'm eating one right now! :) - M. A. Cohen - Durham, NC
ok - i admit, i didn't buy mine here (luckily Costco has 'em, so you can imagine the price...) -- but even at this price, it's worth it. Best nutrition bar I ever had, and lot's of needed protien and low fat (with not too high carbs) -- the negative review is a little bit right -- he's off the mark, but remember, every body has different tastes. Me? I can't stand diet soda! And so I also notice a bit of an afteraste that is due to the --- what? Not sure... sugar alcohols? artificial sweetener? Anyway, it's not too bad, and I really do like 'em lots!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: May 03, 2010 12:50:15

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Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Sea Otter Classic 2010: Clif Bar and are live in Monterey, California at the Sea Otter Classic 2010. The weather beautiful; the athletes - talented, professional and got mad skills; the fans are lining up; and the paparazzi - in full force... this is the Clif Bar 2010 product line up.

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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Check Out Pure Protein Bar, Peanut Butter, 50 gr (pack of 6 ) for $9.36

Pure Protein Bar, Peanut Butter, 50 gr (pack of 6 ) Review

Pure Protein Bar, Peanut Butter, 50 gr (pack of 6 ) Feature


Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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